Fading love In Marriage

Love in marriage fades with time, So is it inevitable that your marriage will fail too? Healthy and Loving marriages are becoming rarer as divorces become more common these days. Marital harmony becomes a rare Treasure that only a few get hold of. The question then arises how can we maintain a more lasting and fulfilling relationship?

Fading Love In Marriage

Reasons why love Fades in Marriage?

Finding the reasons for a loveless marriage may be difficult for the couple but with a deep look at the marriage they become more apparent and obvious

Lack of Communication

This is the most obvious one of them all. You probably didn’t have talked to your spouse for a long time. Small talk does not count as remembering to take out the trash and what should be for dinner does not count as deep conversation. You should be more open about what is bothering you in your relationship and find ways to fix it. Many spouses tend to ignore their partner completely and goes on days without speaking to them. Simply taking half an hour a day to speak about and listen to each other’s problems would be sufficient for better communication.

Sexless Marriage

Are you not getting laid enough? Well, you are not the exception as when the honeymoon phase gets over sex get over too. Many couples could spend weeks or months without sex. Statistics show that sexless marriage is one of the main reasons for divorce. You should try to be more intimate with your spouse and try new things in bed. Dry spells could make you irritable and deeply unsatisfied and may also lead to Depression. You should get your sex life on track or you could say goodbye to your marriage.

No time for personal interests.

When was the last time you did something for yourself? Everyone should focus on marriage to find some “Me” time for themselves. Marriage often leads to the death of personal interest. Individuality is what makes us unique and not doing what we like could lead to regrets and frustration. Find time for yourself to hang out with friends, go to your favourite bars and restaurants or find other hobbies.

Inability to deal with quarells.

Every couple Fights! Would it be small or big things? Some do it once a week some do it every day. Yet overcoming fights and recognizing that we love each other is necessary. Grudges seem to form in your relationship when you seem unable to forgive even the smallest of mistakes. Incessant fighting will make your life miserable learn to tolerate them. Nobody could give you the exact formula to avoid fights be Tactful and Subtle. No one outside of your marriage can fix your problems ultimately you have to deal with them.

Couples Fighting Each Other.

You do not apprerciate each other.

Thanking them for the little things in life and reminding your partner how they mean a lot to you is a must. Everybody likes to know that they are wanted and appreciated. Taking them for granted is a no-no as it will cause resentment.

Ways Spouses can Spice up their marriage

Doing something new every day is impossible and difficult. Originality is rare and time-consuming. Yet introducing these things in our marriage adds a new spark to it. Travelling to new places finding a new interest that you both love could fuel the fire in your relationship. Doing things together and discovering each other’s passions gives you new insights into your partner. Using this information you could find common ground to talk and share. There exist infinite ways you could follow and choosing which will be best for you depends upon your choice.

By Nitish